Get Started with Svelte Materialify, the best material UI component library for Svelte.
If you want to try out svelte materialify and tinker with it, visit the REPL playground.
You can also optionally add focus-visible, if you want keyboard focused styles.
<script src=""></script>
Install with Default Styles
If you want a fast and basic setup, without custom SCSS/SASS, then only installing svelte-materialify
should be fine:
$ npm i svelte-materialify
Install with Custom Styles
If you want finer control over Svelte Materialify, install all its peer dependencies:
$ npm i -D svelte-materialify svelte-preprocess sass postcss
Now create a _material-theme.scss file. Let’s put it in a folder called theme.
Include the folder path in the sveltePreprocess
function in your rollup.config.js:
preprocess: sveltePreprocess({
scss: {
includePaths: ['theme'],
For better intellisense, you can instead create a svelte.config.js and add it to the root of the project:
const sveltePreprocess = require('svelte-preprocess');
module.exports = {
preprocess: sveltePreprocess({
scss: {
includePaths: ['theme'],
Now you can import this file from your main config file, like shown below: Learn how to integrate svelte materialify with existing frameworks. Add the preprocessor for both client and server bundles: Rollup
const { preprocess } = require('./svelte.config');
export default {
// some config...,
plugins: [
svelte({ preprocess }),
// more plugins...
const { preprocess } = require('./svelte.config');
module.exports = {
// some config...
module: {
rules: [
test: /.(svelte|html)$/,
use: {
loader: 'svelte-loader',
options: {
// svelte options...,
const { preprocess } = require('./svelte.config');
export default {
client: {
plugins: [
// ...
server: {
plugins: [
// ...
Basic setup done for you: Sveltekit
npx degit TheComputerM/sveltekit-materialify my-sveltematerialify-project
cd my-sveltematerialify-project
npm install
npm run dev
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