Border Radius

Use border utilities to quickly style the border-radius of any element.


The helper classes are of format: rounded-{side|corner}-{size}, for more details see the examples below.


You can configure the border radius helper classes by overriding the $rounded variable in the _material-theme.scss file. By default $border-radius-root will have a default value of 0.25rem.

$rounded: map-deep-merge(
    0: 0,
    'sm': $border-radius-root / 2,
    null: $border-radius-root,
    'lg': $border-radius-root * 2,
    'xl': $border-radius-root * 6,
    'pill': 9999px,
    'circle': 50%,


Different Sizes and Types

The rounded helper classes allow you to modify the border radius of an element. Use the .rounded-sm, .rounded, .rounded-lg, and .rounded-xl to add a border radius of varying size.


Use these helper classes to add border radius to specific sides.


Use these helper classes to add border radius to specific corners.

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Last Updated: 2022-10-03